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News of the company KamagraUK1

KamagraUK1: Sildenafil Side Effects Are Negligible so Take Kamagra for Erectile Dysfunction

News published on: 15/12/2020

Sildenafil, the active ingredient in ED remedies such as Viagra and Kamagra is a PDE-5 inhibitor. If a man has ED, not enough blood gets to the penis in order for him to sustain a lasting erection.

Sildenafil is a remedy for erectile dysfunction (ED) that has been on the market for many years and its efficacy and safety as one of the leading active ingredients that dispel ED is assured. Viagra is a remedy that is referred to as ‘the little blue pill’ and it was the first remedy to successfully treat ED – a male health issue that approximately 100 million men worldwide suffer from.

Viagra was not originally intended to be used by men with ED and came out as a remedy to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and pain in the chest due to heart problems.  While conducting clinical trials to test the efficacy of this Sildenafil in the UK it was soon noticed that this medication produced erections and was more effective in doing that than treating heart conditions!

In 1998, the giant pharmaceutical Pfizer marketed FDA-approved Viagra – the first successful oral treatment for erectile dysfunction and having ED remedies such as Viagra and others have also helped to de-stigmatise having ED because more and more men began to realise that the enormous demand for Viagra meant that others were in the same boat as them.

We asked Dr Katherine Lampert about the impact of ED on a man and she said, “The inability to either achieve or maintain a firm erection can result in poor self-esteem, the tension in a relationship, performance anxiety and at worst, depression.  If you have always been able to perform adequately and find yourself struggling, you can become afraid of and anxious about failing in the bedroom.”

These feelings of anxiety about your performance could lead to exactly that: an inability to perform and performance anxiety becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Unfortunately, many men allow an inability to perform in the bedroom to impact the way they feel about their masculinity when the truth is most cases of ED are caused by a physical problem, and once this is sorted the ED disappears.

If you have or think you have any of the following it is advisable to see your doctor get the appropriate treatment and resume healthy sexual functioning:
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • obesity
  • high cholesterol
  • chronic alcohol or drug abuse
  • certain medications

If you have a condition whereby blood flow is restricted you may battle with ED because the blood to the penis will also be limited.  You may also get ED if there is scar tissue in the penis such as the type you get from having Peyronie’s disease.

Take Viagra to Ensure that You Have Wonderful Sex

Sildenafil, the active ingredient in ED remedies such as Viagra and Kamagra is a PDE-5 inhibitor.  If a man has ED, not enough blood gets to the penis in order for him to sustain a lasting erection.  He will also experience premature loss of blood from the penis before he and his partner have had the opportunity to enjoy long-lasting sex.  Sildenafil delays the action of the PDE-5 enzyme.

The PDE-5 enzyme allows blood to flow from the penis after a man has had an orgasm but sildenafil ensures that there is an adequate supply of blood to the penis and that blood from the penis is not lost too soon.

Sildenafil in the UK is Available Online Cheaply

If you want to take an ED remedy with few to no side effects order Viagra or Kamagra from our esteemed online pharmacy because Sildenafil Side Effects are infrequently experienced and if they are, they are minor.  We deliver the ED medication to your front door.

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